1. do you offer refunds
Because payments are immediately sent to the lab for your GI Map test, and the nature of this work, we do not offer refunds of any kind. However, we do offer our full commitment to you and your success with the expectation that you will do the same!
2. can i purchase if i'm pregnant or breastfeeding?
2. can i purchase if i'm pregnant or
We recommend waiting to test until after you give birth OR before you get pregnant - at which time we highly recommend it! Your gut health will impact fertility and baby too!
3. will the starter pack be enough?
This Starter Pack is intended to educate you and get you rocking and rolling with your first few steps on your gut healing journey. Based on your results, you may want to explore the GHA Continuation option at the end of 30-days.
4. Do I need to live in the us?
No! We have labs all over the world and can ship directly to most countries. If you're unsure, contact us!
5. do you take hsa or insurance?
This is an educational program, thus we do not take insurance. We have had clients successfully use HSA funds for a partial refund of their GI Map test. If you need more financing options, please explore our Interest Free Financing Option outlined above.
6. what makes gha different?
Our team has expertly combined the power of functional gut testing with deep nervous system healing using neuroplasticity. We use a science backed tool called Orpheus Mind Technologies that has shown to reduce cravings and triggers in under 12 minutes.