Now enrolling for VIP Experience

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Where functional gut testing meets nervous system healing. 

We're an experienced team of Holistic Health Coaches and Registered Dietitians; a powerful combination of nutrition and mindset.

We're here to help you deeply understand your body and heal the root causes of your gut problems.

Breathe easy.
You've finally landed in the right place to heal your gut - for good!

learn about our VIP program

Welcome to the Gut Health Agency:
Where we do gut health, differently.

  • Confused about where to even begin with healing your gut

  • Experiencing heartburn, bloat, anxiety, irregular bowel movements, and brain fog that just won’t go away despite all your effort and hard work

  • Struggling to slow down, unwind, and relax from a life of constant “hustle”

  • Unable to eat, live, and travel with ease because of uncomfortable digestive symptoms

  • Losing your cool at the tiniest of stressors

  • Spending hundreds of dollars on gut health supplements that do not target the root cause of your issues

  • Scrolling the internet for hours seeking answers

  • Constantly feeling at war with your body

  • Wanting to ensure you're doing all you can for the health of your one precious body - but overwhelmed by it all

We see you…

To YOU, the highly achieving woman who feels exhausted by the hustle and done with the overwhelming narrative around holistic health:

The struggle stops here

The truth: You are worthy and deserving of feeling graceful, harmonious, strong, and sexy in your body.

All you need is real answers, supportive coaching, a regulated nervous system, and an empowering community of magical, like-minded souls to help you heal your gut and learn to feel safe in your body again.

" I loved this program because of the personalization..." 

Real Words from Our Clients…

As a former teacher, a current health and fitness coach, and an entrepreneur, I was SO READY to heal my gut for good! I have been suffering from IBS symptoms for 5+ years and no amount of Low FODMAP dieting, elimination diets, or medications helped. I needed to HEAL. Chelsea and the Gut Health Agency team gave me that! I now have an understanding of why I have symptoms, I have tools to help repair damage, and I feel like I am finally in the driver's seat. I loved this program because of the personalization. I was able to develop my own specific care plan with the dietitian, meet with coaches 1:1, and feel like they had my back, even in the times when I was doubting myself. It was just as supportive and nurturing as it was informational. I am so incredibly grateful for this program and the journey I have been on! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

- Lindsey, GHA Alumni

The Gut Health Agency Signature Program


A highly specialized 6-month VIP 1:1 Healing Experience
designed to be your last.

We help you discover the root causes and solutions to your gut problems, so you can digest your life fully and trust your gut again.

A curated community of insanely inspiring people at your fingertips will take you further than doing it alone. You'll feel at home among other people on the same journey, who support and stretch each other beyond anything they could have imagined. 



It’s time to discover the real causes of your gut issues. Through GI map functional testing, done from the comfort and privacy of your home, we’ll assess the current fingerprint of your gut and see what we need to address.


Get access to the resources you need to live a healthy life. You’ll receive instant access to a step-by-step, trusted framework comprising 15+ learning modules, PLUS a library of guest presentations to help you build an enjoyable and sustainable lifestyle.

Monthly breathwork and subconscious coaching help to increase stress resiliency so you become more capable of handling life’s daily stressors. Finally get a handle on your flight-or-fight response, so you’re no longer feeling sick at the sound of your email ping!


Personalized access to industry-leading experts for 6 months, in your back pocket. Weekly accountability calls and individualized symptom and food log reviews, monthly 1:1 calls, and access to chat via a private portal 24/7! 


enroll Now

5 Pillars of the Gut Health Agency

For the last two decades, I have dedicated my life to understanding why people do what they do - and why the body does what it does because of those things.

Childhood abandonment, bankruptcy, and losing our home sparked a cascade of unhealthy coping mechanisms - like perfectionism - to deal with stress and ultimately feel truly worthy of safety, love, and acceptance. 

That high-performing mentality that I thought would save me, sadly only left me with a highly dysregulated nervous system and a plethora of health issues, including an autoimmune diagnosis at the young age of 16.

My journey to understanding human behavior over the last 20 years has led me down a wonderful path of gut healing, nervous system regulation, and finding the ultimate key to my TRUE root cause healing: subconscious mindset rewiring. 

I am living proof that healing - and thriving - is possible. 

This program was created to save you the thousands of dollars and decades that I spent, seeking answers to your chronic gut health issues.

The tools you will learn here are the final and missing links in your search.

Certified Health & Life Coach, Level 2 Orpheus Mind Practitioner, holistic autoimmune warrior
Founder and CEO

Hi love, I’m Chelsea.

...and I created the Gut Health Agency just for you.

Not only did they help me with my physical body, because I had really bad heartburn, frozen shoulders, anxiety, and panic attacks; but they also set me up with tools that I now have FOREVER that I can use when I am feeling stressed. My Care Team also helped me reset my body and figure out what foods make me feel good, and what foods make me feel like crap. Chelsea, working with the GHA has CHANGED MY LIFE!”

“Working with GHA has changed my life!"

Real Words from Our Clients…

- Molly C., GHA Alumni

...all designed to simplify gut healing for you!

This is a Healing Experience like no other...

What makes us different than other courses or programs?

We not only help you understand the data behind your symptoms with functional testing, but we also dig deep into your subconscious patterns that may be keeping you sick. Our team of trained health coaches, registered dietitians, and trauma-informed subconscious practitioners teach you how to understand your gut health and unlock old patterns of nervous system dysregulation to finally get to the root of your issues, once and for all.

A zero-fluff combination of clinical understanding plus health coaching.

This is not just another group program. This healing experience is a safe and supportive space, created to combat the false beliefs surrounding gut health, to help you unlearn what social media has taught us about healing our bodies, and to bridge the gap between functional medicine and nervous system healing.

A high-touch support with the bonus of community. 

Our team of experts will work diligently to help you understand the root causes of your GI issues. We believe that healing happens when vulnerability is met with empathy, and we will not give up on helping you discover the answers to your biggest questions about your health and well-being.

Dedicated to your results.

Real Words from Our Clients…

My favorite part of this program is connecting regularly, feeling deeply supported, committing on a financial level that has kept me accountable for making space for this program in my life, and prioritizing healing on all levels, which is above and beyond what I expected to get out of this.

“I pooped twice today! And NOT because of a stomach ache 😂"

- Lara C; GHA Alumni


You'll Be Empowered To:

  • Take action against your constipation and bloat - without eliminating foods you love.
  • Breakthrough past harmful patterns and root causes of your gut health issues.
  • Eat, live and travel with ease and without the embarrassing digestive symptoms.
  • Learn HOW, WHEN and WHAT to eat by knowing which foods and supplements are right for your unique microbiome.
  • Heal your relationship with food and finally make peace with your plate.
  • Abandon your “Either-Or” mindset and adopt an abundance mindset of “All-and-More”.
  • Trust the divine intelligence of your body to no longer fear symptoms.
  • Eliminate all the fluff and know that you're taking the EXACT right steps to a happy and healthy life

Are You Ready to Feel Safe in Your Body and heal at the Root - without eliminating foods you love?

We have two Programs at GHA to choose from.

COMPREHENSIVE GI MAP TESTING WITH 6-MONTH CARE PLAN MADE just FOR YOU ($360 GI Map paid  separately to the lab)

monthly 1:1 Check-in calls with your care team

24/7 Personalized access to industry-leading experts in gut health, nutrition, and subconscious therapy

Weekly Accountability Calls with Individualized Feedback

Personalized Symptom and Food Log Reviews

A Private Client Portal and App with 24 Hour Support via Chat and Voice Note

Monthly Live Breathwork sessions (+ Access to All Replays)

Lifetime Access to the gut health agency Proprietary Method

15+ Foundations and root cause pdf and video learning modules+any future additions

a library of Bonus Modules for gut healthy living


6 monthly payments

1 payment of $3997
Save $400

Starter Pack

For those interested in a GI Map functional stool test and a kickstart to your gut healing journey.

VIP Signature Program

For those interested in personalized protocols, hands on, prioritized VIP support, and root cause education.

COMPREHENSIVE GI MAP TESTING (Additional cost paid directly to lab)

written interpretation with initial 'jumpstart' gha recommendations based on results 

video interpretation for an in depth understanding of your gi map

60 days access to GHA

Private Client Portal with 1:1 coaching access 

foundational learning pdf modules on gut health and the gut-brain axis

access to orpheus mind technologies subconscious healing tools 

Option to continue with us into vip at a discounted rate

2 payments of $897

1 payment of $1600

Unsure which is for you?
Book a discovery call.

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Explore Interest-free Financing or Extended Payment Options

For US Residents only
We now offer interest free financing with Advance Care Card.

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2. Select "Apply Now"
3. Choose your credit status (Unsure? Click 'Good')
4. Receive instant approval
5. Accept or Decline offer
6. Email to complete
    purchase once your card arrives in the mail!

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“ When I first started working with Chelsea, emotionally I was stuck in a paralysis of grief and shock. Physically I was suffering with exhaustion, daily debilitating gut issues, headaches, and my immune system was deficient. 

Once I started implementing healing tools the GHA introduced me to, I started to see the changes. My energy started to come back, I was no longer in daily pain and discomfort with my gut, I learned how to eat mindfully and honor this body and what I put into it. During our time together I built and launched a new business and stepped so far out of my comfort zone! I know it was due to working with Chelsea and the GHA that I was able to do this.” 

- Hannah P; Alumni

"I was no longer in daily pain and discomfort."

Real Words from Our Clients…

Real Words from Our Clients…

Here’s What You’ll Learn 

Learn how to seamlessly implement the top 5 Foundations of good gut health into your busy life including how to eat, when to eat, daily bowel habits, and more! You will be able to return to these foundations for the rest of your life

Learn more

1. The Foundations of Gut Health

Food Foreplay!
“Turn your digestion on"
Eliminate Bloat 
Enjoy your food again
Food as a sacred and sensual ritual

Cephalic Phase

Create a poop routine
Daily structure & habits to improve your daily digestion & health

The Daily Poop

Learn WHAT to eat
How to build your magic plate
The two elements to reintroduce every day

What Do I Eat?

Understand your own unique signs of hunger and fullness
Create a roadmap to truly know your own body’s needs
Implement meal hygiene

When Do I Eat?

Rebuild the foundation of your gut
Implement meal hygiene

Learn HOW to eat

Learn how to seamlessly implement the top 5 Foundations of good gut health into your busy life including how to eat, when to eat, daily bowel habits, and more! You will be able to return to these foundations for the rest of your life

1. The Foundations of Gut Health

Learning modules will walk you through through the top 8 possible root causes of poor gut health so you can connect the dots to your own triggers in a very targeted and specific way. This roadmap will be the answer to all your root cause questions.

Learn more

2. The ROOT CAUSES of poor gut health

Is this your missing link?
Actions against hypothyroidism


Gain the knowledge against incomplete bowel movements
Take action against infrequent poops

Motility & The Gut-Brain Axis

Gain effective strategies & coping skills to regulate your nervous system

High Stress

Understand your own unique signs of hunger and fullness
Create a roadmap to truly know your own body’s needs
Implement meal hygiene

Low Stomach Acid

Move from fear to freedom regarding food rules & patterns

Food Fears

Learn the cause & its impact on your gut
The hunger/fullness scale to balance your blood sugar

The Blood Sugar Roller Coaster

Understand the effects
Equip yourself with what to do about it

Debunking Dysbiosis (Bacterial Overgrowth)

Digestive Markers
How to work WITH our bodies
Digestive enzymes & their magic abilities on our essential organs

Digestive Markers

Learn how to seamlessly implement the top 5 Foundations of good gut health into your busy life including how to eat, when to eat, daily bowel habits, and more! You will be able to return to these foundations for the rest of your life

1. The Foundations of Gut Health

An ever growing library of bonus modules including a deep dive into understanding your GI Map, trauma’s effect on gut health, helpful checklists like traveling for good gut health, live experiences like yoga for gut health, cycle living, breathwork, and more.Learning modules will walk you through through the top 8 possible root causes of poor gut health so you can connect the dots to your own triggers in a very targeted and specific way. This roadmap will be the answer to all your root cause questions.

Learn more

3. Bonus Modules

Deep dive into The GI Map
The Science behind how the subconscious mind affects gut health.
Trauma’s effect on gut health.
Effective alcohol and caffeine consumption for gut health.
Traveling for gut health.
Optimal sleeping for our gut.
Cycle living with your menstrual cycle.
Yoga for gut health.
EFT Tapping Meditations for gut health.
Sensual cooking.
And more!

An ever growing library of bonus modules including a deep dive into understanding your GI Map, trauma’s effect on gut health, helpful checklists like traveling for good gut health, live experiences like yoga for gut health, cycle living, breathwork, and more.

Learning modules will walk you through through the top 8 possible root causes of poor gut health so you can connect the dots to your own triggers in a very targeted and specific way. This roadmap will be the answer to all your root cause questions.

Learn how to seamlessly implement the top 5 Foundations of good gut health into your busy life including how to eat, when to eat, daily bowel habits, and more! You will be able to return to these foundations for the rest of your life

3. Bonus Modules

2. The ROOT CAUSES of poor gut health

1. The Foundations of Gut Health

Here’s What You’ll Learn 

Learn more

Learn more

Learn more

Cephalic Phase

Food Foreplay!
“Turn your digestion on"
Eliminate Bloat 
Enjoy your food again
Food as a sacred and sensual ritual

Learn HOW to eat

Rebuild the foundation of your gut
Implement meal hygiene

When Do I Eat?

Understand your own unique signs of hunger and fullness
Create a roadmap to truly know your own body’s needs
Implement meal hygiene

What Do I Eat?

Learn WHAT to eat
How to build your magic plate
The two elements to reintroduce every day

The Daily Poop

Create a poop routine
Daily structure & habits to improve your daily digestion & health

Food Fear

Move from fear to freedom regarding food rules & patterns
Use habit change & pleasure sensors to combat addictive behaviors
Implement meal hygiene

Action against low acid & why it matters
How to support your GI function

Low Stomach Acid

High Stress

Gain effective strategies & coping skills to regulate your nervous system
The power of: RELAX

Motility & The Gut-Brain Axis

Gain the knowledge against incomplete bowel movements
Take action against infrequent poops

Debunking Dysbiosis (Bacterial Overgrowth)

Understand the effects
Equip yourself with what to do about it


Is this your missing link?
Actions against hypothyroidism

Debunking Dysbiosis (Bacterial Overgrowth)

Understand the effects
Equip yourself with what to do about it

The Blood Sugar Roller Coaster

Learn the cause & its impact on your gut
The hunger/fullness scale to balance your blood sugar

Digestive Markers

How to work WITH our bodies
Digestive enzymes & their magic abilities on our essential organs

Deep dive into The GI Map.
The Science behind how the subconscious mind affects gut health.
Trauma’s effect on gut health.
Effective alcohol and caffeine consumption for gut health.
Traveling for gut health
Optimal sleeping for our gut
Cycle living with your menstrual cycle
Yoga for gut health
EFT Tapping Meditations for gut health
Sensual cooking
And more!

"I was waking up EVERY night a few hours after going to bed and for the past 3 nights I've been sleeping through till morning. Thank you Chelsea and GHA for your help with this, I’m a LOT calmer and saner with enough sleep.”

- Kristine; GHA Graduate

“I’ve been sleeping through the night with the right blood sugar balancing bedtime snack!" 

Real Words from Our Clients…

this is for you if...

You are open to the POWER OF the mind’s role in gut health and are ready to take personal responsibility for your outcomes

The thought of investing time and money into your health feels expansive and exciting - even despite your fears

You’re a full body “hell-yes” to individualized support and bringing your Highest Self into an exceptional group of other high-performing women

You’re dedicated and committed to doing the best you can with what you’ve got, allowing for grace, patience, and trust along the way

this is not for you if...

You are attached to the busyness of your life and not ready to give up the chaos

You expect to heal your root causes in only 6 weeks with quick fixes and bandaid solutions

You don’t check your emails

You don’t take personal responsibility for your attitude, actions and outcomes

You are not ready to invest in a coaching experience

Is The Gut Health Agency Signature Program Right for You?

enroll now

Save $400

Equipped with a simple, sustainable, potent, and supportive framework for healing your gut and transforming your life, you won’t even recognize yourself 6 months from now.

4. Heal with the GHA Method

Your functional stool test gets shipped right to your door. Collect your sample from the comfort of your own throne. 👑 Send lab samples so that we can understand the true root cause of your ailments, find personalized solutions for you ASAP, and create your Care Plan.

3. Ship your shit (Functional Test)

Complete your intake paperwork and start diving into your client portal, learning modules, 24 hour community, proven strategy, tools and templates, and all past content.

2. Get Immediate Access

Sign up now to confirm your spot in our latest cohort. Get matched with your Care Team consisting of the Health Coach and Registered Dietitian to best suit your needs and goals!

1. Join & Match with your Care Team

The Signature Healing Experience: How it works

Your easy roadmap to get started today

join now

We’re So Excited to Support You On Your Gut Healing Journey!

Meet Your Care Team

Our mission is for you to walk away trusting yourself (your gut) and your body. With every foundational pillar, we’re here to show you how to do that.
Every. Step. Of. The. Way.

 Our knowledgeable team of industry experts offers 1:1 feedback and support - so ask us anything - we’re here to serve YOU.

Peggy is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian with a Masters in Public Health. She loves all things related to nutrition, and isa huge believer that there is no such thing as "one size fits all" when it comes to nutrition. She takes an individualized, personal approach with every client. Her long-term experience in women's health allows her to see and interpret your GI Map results with a holistic eye for a truly comprehensive Care Plan.

As an ex female mechanical engineer with a HIIT workout addiction, Zoe understands the toll physical and emotional stress takes on your body, and your gut. She is a board qualified Holistic Health Coach from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and  specializes in helping women heal physical symptoms with a holistic food and lifestyle approach, and believes all women have the ability to feel and look amazing without restriction or extremes!

Chelsea is a certified Gut Health and Life Coach with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. After her first marriage ended, she realized that her experiences with childhood abandonment and bankruptcy led her to falsely believe that health, wealth, and abundance only came through sacrifice, pain, and a whole lot of hard work and relentless hustle. She's here to help you rewrite your hustle on a subconscious and nervous system level to flow and ease.

Chelsea Haines

The Visionary

Founder, CEO,
Lead health coach

Zoe Dillehay

The Motivator

board-qualified HEALTH COACH

Peggy Tsevis

The Resourceful One


Michaela is your Client-Success Coordinator at the Gut Health Agency. She's not only the smile behind our emails, she is also here to monitor and maintain your healing experience. Think of her like your individual concierge for the next 6-months. Her personal experience healing at GHA plus her impeccable Operational skills makes her the concierge of your dreams!

Victoria is our in-house certified breathwork facilitator. In 2017, she started incorporating meditation, breathwork, and journaling into her daily practices and decided to dedicate her life to sharing these life-changing skills. Breathwork is one of the most transformative practices for nervous system regulation and a game-changing piece of the gut-healing pie. You won't regret dropping into Victoria's healing energy!

Victoria Antonelli

The Alchemist


Michaela Jade

The Mentalist

client concierge

Frequently Asked Questions

This program is all about freedom through nutrition. Therefore, we will not automatically be eliminating any of your favorite foods on this program. Your GI Map test will simply tell us if it is recommended to be mindful of any specific food group or to implement a short-term anti-inflammatory healing phase. 

Diet and supplements alone will not fix your gut issues (which you have unfortunately learned the hard way!) Therefore, unlike others in the gut health space, this specialized program COMBINES both functional testing and clinical diagnosis WITH subconscious therapy and lifestyle coaching; the missing piece when working with a functional medicine doctor.

This is not a weight-loss program. We do often see weight fluctuation as a side effect of healing the gut. If weight loss is your primary and only goal, we are happy to refer you to a different program.

Because we cannot guarantee results or your level of participation, we do not offer money-back guarantees. The clients who engage weekly, lean into the high level of support given to them, and show up with their best effort have seen dramatic results and a lifetime’s worth of improvement in their gut and overall outlook on life. We do, however, expect and see miracles here, and we also guarantee that as your team of experts, we are as committed to your results as we hope you are! You will get out of this program what you put into it. If you are not prepared to invest in your health now, please wait to apply until you have decided that you are a full-body hell yes for the complete journey with us.

If you are pregnant, it is best to wait to enroll in this program until after giving birth. We have successfully helped many breastfeeding mothers heal their gut safely and have also seen baby’s health improve at the same time! We have also seen women become pregnant by implementing the safe foundations of gut healthy living, strong mental health, and balanced nervous systems that we teach at the Gut Health Agency.

Of course! You simply apply now to book a 20-minute call so we can digest your situation and see if the Gut Health Agency is right for you!


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Are You Ready to Heal From the Inside Out?

You’ve found your people. This is the place. 

You’ve been desperately looking for answers, scouring the internet and trying all the latest trends. 

When really, all you needed was to feel safe and welcomed by a group of people who understand the struggle, are excited to meet you where you are at (sans judgment), and a healing experience that aligns with not only your values but also where you are currently at in life - chaos and all.

You deserve to lead a life that doesn’t revolve around worrying about your gut health.

If you've made it this far: it's time to sh*t or get off the pot, my friend! 😉 Join us!

I’m all in!