In recent years, the fear of fat has been ingrained into our dietary culture, perpetuated by the marketing of “low-fat” and “fat-free” foods. However, it’s time to dispel this misconception and understand why these are actually crucial for our well-being. Debunking the Myth The notion that “eating fat makes you fat” is a common misconception. […]

Embracing Fats: Why They’re Essential for a Healthy Diet

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Are you someone who’s really into the keto diet? People know it for its ability to help people lose weight by reducing carb intake. But, before you dive in headfirst, it’s important to know the downsides. Let’s talk about how a low-carb diet, like keto, can affect your gut health. Stick around to find out […]

Low-Carb Diet Risks: Does Keto Support Gut Health?

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